Why is now the best time to win Student Visa in the UK?


The COVID-19 global pandemic has created a serious collapse in global education.  School closures impacting students particularly in lower-middle-income countries like Sri Lanka. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Sri Lankan educational institutions have been largely dysfunctional. There is a semblance of normalcy returning to the country’s pandemic-battered education system. Meanwhile, there are still a lot of major issues when it comes to the higher education sector in Sri Lanka. This is why it comes as no surprise that so many students wish to pursue further studies in countries such as the UK by winning the Student Visa in the UK. The UK is home to some of the world’s best universities. In fact, right now is a great time for Sri Lankan students to study in the UK, thanks to a lot of perks that come with it.

Before we dive into that, let’s take a quick glance as to why pursuing higher education in Sri Lanka right now is not so promising.

  • The plans and strategies to revive Sri Lanka’s higher education sector still remain largely unspecified with no solid guarantee of recovering the quality of education.
  • Internal political instabilities due to which state universities often undergo strikes. It means that universities are closed for months, putting education on hold.
  • Lack of quality control, world recognition and poor delivery standards in addition to lack of global experience.
  • Current economic crisis making education and even lifestyle challenging in Sri Lanka.

The gravity of the impact of COVID-19 on Sri Lanka’s higher education sector should be dealt with the seriousness it deserves. Countries such as the UK have swiftly adapted to the pandemic crisis by ensuring that student safety remains a top priority and are now welcoming students who wish to pursue their further studies.

Why is the UK a great place to study in 2022?

Studying abroad is a huge decision to make, particularly right now. But what sets the UK apart from the rest is its unmatched quality of education and significant developments in favour of international students. In fact, the UK issued a record number of study visas for international students in the year 2021. It has a 143% increase from the previous year.

Post Study Work visa or the Graduate Route

The UK government recently introduced a new option for international students who wish to continue working after their studies. The Post Study Work visa gives Sri Lankan students the freedom to stay in the UK to work. The do not need a a company sponsorship. Undergraduate and postgraduate students can work for a period of two years after their studies while doctoral students are granted three years.

One of the biggest advantages of this is that students don’t require a pre-existing job in order to apply; they have the flexibility of working according to their salary preferences or skill or even choose to be self-employed. Thanks to the UK’s student-friendly policies, thousands of international students have their future waiting for them in the UK.

Unmatched standards and international recognition

UK universities consistently rank among the top in the world. With internationally valued qualifications, the teaching and study methodologies from academics and industry experts ensure the skill-oriented and career-focused education in line with current industry demands.

Possibility of studying in the UK without IELTS

While it goes as an understated fact, one of the greatest perks for Sri Lankan students is that they can study in the UK without IELTS. Due to the pandemic situation, many universities in the UK have decided to ease the pressure on international students. The waive off IELTS or having alternative requirements such as proof of English language proficiency for Class XI AND XII.

Financial Benefits

Sri Lankan students can live a comfortable life in the UK by winning the Student Visa in the UK. All they have to do is use their money wisely. Moreover, studying in the UK can actually be a more cost-effective alternative. Firstly, courses in the UK are shorter and more intense than in other countries. This means students can graduate sooner. In most countries, a degree takes four years, in addition to another two or three to complete a postgraduate degree. In the UK, it takes three years for an undergraduate degree and one year to complete a postgraduate degree. Not only does this save time, but also money that would otherwise to spend on hefty tuition fees and living costs. Secondly, Sri Lankan students can gain financial assistance in the form of grants, scholarships and bursaries.

With the dawn of the new year 2022, possibilities for Sri Lankan students to gain a UK degree does indeed look promising. Students will gain prestigious qualification complete with work experience, unmatched skills and exposure from some of the world’s finest universities. For Sri Lankan students it also promises their future career by embarking on a new chapter of their education. Archway International always there to help you secure your UK Student Visa.